Individual grid charges
Individual grid charges as per §19 para. 2 Clause 1 StromNEV
According to the requirements of the BNetzA (Regulation of Power Network Charges), TON6 must determine the respective peak load windows for the four seasons for each grid connection level (extra high voltage and transformation extra high/high-voltage).
Based on these peak load time windows, TON6 shall offer an individual grid charge in accordance with § 19, section 2, clause 1 StromNEV to an end consumer, whose electricity consumption from the grid of the transmission grid operator for its own consumption at the customer's sampling point deviated considerably from the application filed in the past calendar year, or it can be shown credibly that a considerable deviation (see threshold of significance) of the annual peak load will occur for the following year.
Individual grid charge
Grid / transformer level | Threshold of significance |
MaxVolt. | 5% |
The agreement to be made with the network user for reduced network charges in accordance with § 19, section 2, clause 1 StromNEV is subject to approval from BNetzA, and only becomes valid after presentation of the notice of approval.
The following network charge reduction has been approved by the Federal Network Agency as per § 19 para. 2 Section 2 StromNEV for the following end consumers in the grid area of TenneT Offshore 9. Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH (TON6) with power consumption from the general supply network with hours of use amounting to at least 7,000 h/a and power consumption of more than 10 GWh at one sampling point in the last calendar year.
The approved network charge reduction are based on a calculation system specified by BNetzA corresponding to the published notification procedure valid from 01.01.2014. End consumers were offered the respective agreements for a network charge reduction that is based on the purchasing habits and the connection situation of the end consumers.
Since the established network charge reductions are based on the previous year's purchases, there is a negative settlement during the course of the year. Along with the end of year settlement, there is a final assessment in accordance with the approved calculation system taking into consideration the actual consumption behaviour of the end consumer in the billing time period.